Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How To Become Fwriends With Tim's Roommate Jason

Tim's roommate, Jason, is soooooooo nice! I'm so glad we are now fwriends!

This is what you shouwld do if you want to become fwriends with Tim's roommate Jason. When he's sleeping, lay next to him like I did here in the pictwure. (Thanks for the pictwure, Tim!)

You should wait until he wakes up because it's rude to wake people up!

Then say: "I LOVE WATCHING YOU DWREAM, TIM'S ROOMMATE JASON! WILL YOU BE MY FWRIEND?" Right when he wakes up! I had to wait thwree hours but it was TOWTALLY worth it!



  1. Huh. Interesting. I just tried this on my friend's roommate, and it didn't work like you said at all. In fact, she started crying, and my friend said it would be a good idea if I didn't come over for a while.

  2. You misunderstand, Rebekah, this only works on Tim's Roommate Jason. Please read more carefully next time. If you want to know how to become friends with your friend's roommate send a request and Crocogal will see what she can do. Thank you for your time and interest.
